Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Test-first and Test-driven conversation with JB Rainsberger

I had the incredible opportunity to spend a week up on Prince Edward Island with JB and Sarah Rainsberger. They are wonderful hosts, and it was a very welcome break after 2 months of pretty continuous time on the road.

JB has been around the XP community for a very long time, and he is one of the most experienced Test-Driven Development practitioners that I know. He is the author of the 2004 book, JUnit Recipes, which I found to be incredibly useful even while doing C#. He spends the majority of his time now traveling the world and doing agile coaching/training at companies.

JB's thoughts around programming have had a huge influence on me over the years, but the conversations that we've had about life, in general, have changed my thoughts and direction. I remember several times sitting with him and dreaming about traveling around, programming with people in exchange for room and board.

While up on PEI, JB and I had many conversations, and I asked if he'd be interested in recording some of them. One of the first was a conversation we had stimulated by Brian Marick's talk on "Artisinal Retro-Futurism crossed with Team-Scale Anarcho-Syndicalism." We had a conversation about the fact that the 'TDD is about testing vs TDD is about design" debate that keeps popping up, especially now in the Ruby community. As usual, he's a lot more diplomatic than I am; I guess that is what comes from having years more experience coaching than I do. :) Enjoy!

If you'd like to contact J.B., you can through his website.

Part 1

Part 2