Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sponsor - Made From Dolly

Before I left for this leg of the tour, Jamie Wright contacted me again to say that he would like to sponsor me again. This makes Made From Dolly my first two-time sponsor, as he also sponsored my Chicago tour in December. I want to really express my gratitude to him for sponsoring me a second time. I'm seeing more and more people reacting positively to my tours and being inspired to focus on their own practices and career development; I'm flattered to be a part of their renewed interest in becoming better software craftsman, and it is through the support of people like Jamie that I can continue these tours.

So, if you are one of those people who are following my tour and wondering how you could help, why don't you go buy a tweet shirt from Made From Dolly. Supporting me doesn't always take the form of helping me cover my expenses, it can also mean letting people like Jamie know that you appreciate their involvement.

My tweet shirt came in the mail last week, and I can tell you that it is super cool. For me, the simplicity of the shirt is the cool part, just very simply with a "Follow Me" on the back. He also supplied me with some coupons and stickers for people. According to Jamie, the coupons vary between 30% and 100%. I handed out a bunch while at Acts As Conference, but I've still got more, and Jamie said that he'd send me more when I run out.